Elizabeth Fleur Willis

"Return to Nature brought the community of Norwich into a patch of green that had become overlooked, maybe because it seemed an overwhelming task to reclaim a space that had been neglected and, subsequently grown wild. 

The act of overlooking is often the case with issues surrounding climate change. Perhaps we feel overwhelmed by the monumental nature of.. well... nature. Perhaps we feel there is nothing that i, personally, can do. 

Thankfully on Earth Day 2017, 'The Dell' became a haven for passers by, lovers of art and those from all walks of life, to find a friendly face. The public was encouraged to engage with the environment and hopefully also to learn tips on we can adjust our lives to be more climate conscious. 

Kate Knowlden successfully brought artists from across the U.K. whose work responded not only to nature but to The Dell itself. "Ground Recordings" by Alex Park-Reeves delicately blended into the space while Adam Popli's on location live painting "A Moment With Gaia" jumped boldly out as a vibrant celebration of Mother Earth.

Overall the exhibition was fantastic, oh, and I loved reading my poetry too, thank you for having me Kate !"

Kin aka Katee woods 

"From an artist's perspective, Return to Nature was an extremely well organised exhibit and a joy to take part in.

The event itself was well attended - Kate had clearly promoted the event to a diverse audience which meant that a range of people could access the show.

I felt there was a good mix of works, from participatory workshops and live art to installations and sculptures, and this meant that people stayed in the space and engaged with the works for longer than perhaps they would have if the exhibit had solely been of still media. Because the event took place over several hours in the day and people were encouraged to stay, it was also a great networking opportunity and I was able to meet the other artists involved which was very beneficial."

Genevieve rudd

I would like to say that I thought the day was really well organised with a good variety of workshops/installations on offer. It was great to have the opportunity to explore the theme of nature and the environment in such a special urban woodland space.